Ayurveda is the traditional health science of India. The word 'Ayurveda' means Science of Life (Ayur means life and Veda means knowledge) which explains the knowledge of various guidelines to be followed to keep one healthy. So this is not only a medical system but also a way of life This science has a strong basis of Indian Philosophy, which has been handed down to us by means of ancient scripts on palm leaves. Ayurveda has two main aims, which are the preservation of health in healthy people and curing of diseases in people with ailments.
Kerala Ayurveda instructs and proposes that every living and non-living being in this Universe is a unique combination of five eternal elements called Panchamahabhoo - thas, which are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. Human body is also made up of these elements in various compositions. There are three physiological temperaments or principles known as Tridosha, by means of which all the bodily functions of the human body are regulated. These are Vatha from Air and Ether, Pitha from Fire and Kapha from Earth and Water.
The main kerala ayurveda treatments are:
In this treatment, lukewarm herbal oils are applied all over the body by two to four trained masseurs in a special rhythmic way for about 60 to 90 minutes per day for a period of 7 to 21 days. This treatment is very useful for Rheumatic diseases like arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, paralysis-agitanus, sexual weakness, nervous weakness and nervous disorders etc.
It is a process by which the whole body or any specific part thereof is made to perspire by the application of certain medical puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in a muslin bag. This is applied by two to four masseurs for about 60 to 90 minutes per day for a period of 14 days. This treatment is for all types rheumatism, pain in the joints, emaciation of limbs, blood pressure, cholesterol and certain kinds of skin diseases.
In this process, some herbal oils, medicated milk, medicated butter milk etc., are poured on the forehead in a special method for about 45 minutes in a day for a period of 7 to 21 days. This treatment is mainly for insomnia, vatha predominated diseases, mental tension and certain skin diseases.
Medicated milk is poured all over the body and head with a special vessel from a certain height in a rhythmic manner. This treatment is good for insomnia, mental tensions, headache due to pitha dominant, menopause problems etc.
This treatment is a kind of sudation therapy using herbal decoctions. This is a process by which the body is made to perspire by means of pouring warm decoction from special herbs with a special vessel from a certain height in a rhythmic manner and is rubbed into the body. This method removes 'ama' or toxins from the tissues and promotes fat metabolism, removes tension from the muscles and also good for pain and stiffness of the joints and muscles, fibromyalgia etc.
Certain herbal oils, herbal extracts etc., are applied through the rectum daily for a period of 5 to 25 days. This treatment is for arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, numbness, gastric complaints associated with rheumatism and constant constipation.
Certain lukewarm herbal oils are poured into a cap fitted on the head for 15 to 60 minutes per day according to the patient’s conditions for a period of 7 days. This treatment is highly effective for facial paralysis, dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches, burning sensation of head and other vatha originated diseases.
This is a typical massage with herbal powders for about 30 minutes daily for a period of 14 to 28 days. This treatment is for the diseases like hemiplegia, paralysis, obesity (excess fat) and certain rheumatic ailments.
Special type of oil massage in which strokes are given according to the diseases for 45 minutes per day for 14 days. This treatment is very useful for obesity, especially for diabetic Gangrene (a condition due to lack of blood circulation in the extremes of the body) etc